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Student Life

Student Life . Career Center . For Alumni 

For Alumni

The Career Center offers CIA alumni lifelong access to services to assist in career transition. Whether you are looking for your first job, changing jobs, or pointing your career in a new direction, the Career Center will:

  • Give one-on-one career advising
  • Assist with resume and cover letter writing
  • Provide guidance and coaching on job search strategies, networking, and interview techniques
  • Provide access to  job opportunities through College Central, CIA's online job board
  • Sign up for weekly Job Flash emails, highlighting part-time, full-time and internship opportunities

CIA Alum Marc Brown, creator of "Arthur," talks to students about career paths in Illustration

CIA Alumni Association

As a CIA graduate, you also have an opportunity to join CIA’s Alumni Association. As a member, you have access to a variety of resources to help jump-start or further your career. You can reconnect with fellow alums at events held throughout the year.

Alumni Volunteer Opportunities

  • Be a speaker for the Business and Professional Practices course
  • Offer to conduct portfolio reviews
  • Post a job or internship from your current employer on College Central

For more information:

Career Center
216.421.8073 | Contact

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Location + Hours 

Room 120
11610 Euclid Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44106

Monday–Friday: 8:30am–4:30pm